Communities across Ireland came together to launch “Family Effects” – 10 year SFP outcomes for Ireland today, the event was hosted by the National Strengthening Families Programme Council of Ireland (NSFPC) in Axis Ballymun.
Chair of the NSFPC Donna Butler of Alcohol Forum, Donegal gave an overview of the context and background of the roll out of SFP across Ireland since 2007. Marie Lawless of Ballymun Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force provided an overview of some of the main findings of the report and the significant changes experienced by over 550 families across Ireland.
Examples of the impact of SFP at a local and regional level were given by Rosemary Fox (Young Persons Probation, Cork), Patricia Egan (Meath Community Drug and Alcohol Response), Joe Slattery (Community Substance Misuse Team, Midwest) and Noel Loughran (An Garda Síochana, Louth). Joan Bolger of Framework Support Agency outlined some to the areas of further development and resourcing of SFP to ensure the sustainability of the programme into the future.
A copy of the report can be downloaded here
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